PTA board

Maithili Saha
Your name? Maithili Saha
What grade your child(ren) are in? 3BD
Where are you from? India
Why did you join the PTA? I wanted to know the school community ( other parents and teachers) and help in various activities coming under PTA.
What year did you join? 2021

Vanessa Conan
Your name? Vanessa Conan
What grade your child(ren) are in? 9B and 5AC
Where are you from? France/Finland
Why did you join the PTA? I wanted to get to know the school community from a different point of view and help where I could. It is a great adventure to meet new teachers and parents every year.
What year did you join? PTA 2014-2017 (Ressu clubs 2017-2022) and again PTA in 2022.

Roman Konovalov
Your name? Roman Konovalov
What grade your children are in? 4 and 6.
Where are you from? Estonia
Why did you join the PTA? I want to help the community of parents and teachers to have good experience for our kids at school. I also want to learn how school works from the teachers point of view.
What year did you join? 2022

Bhawna Sharma
Your name Bhawna Sharma
What grade your child(ren) are in? 2BD
Where are you from? Shimla, India
Why did you join the PTA? I believe that parents' involvement in a child’s school environment is crucial and that by offering my time I can help teachers and staff to improve its quality. I was also interested in knowing what makes the Finnish education system , on top of the world.
What year did you join? 2021

Jaana Hiltunen
What grade your child(ren) are in? 2AC
Where are you from? Kontiolahti, Finland
Why did you join the PTA? I wanted to be involved in my at the time 1st grader’s school life some way. I thought it’s also an easy way to get to know other parents and take part in organizing events at the school.
What year did you join? 2019

Kaisa Kontu
What grade your child(ren) are in? 3AC
Where are you from? Eurajoki, Finland
Why did you join the PTA? I wanted to know if school has changed since I was a kid. And I wanted to meet other parents and get to know some teachers as well!
What year did you join? 2018

Sami Partanen
What grade your child(ren) are in? 1AC
Where are you from? Pielavesi, Finland
Why did you join the PTA? I’m here to learn more about the ways of education in Ressu and see if I can assist my 1st grader’s school experience somehow. Also looking forward to discussing with other parents about the school life. All tips welcome!
What year did you join? 2020

Tyler Collins
What grade your child(ren) are in? 9D
Where are you from? USA
Why did you join the PTA? I wanted to meet other parents and get a deeper understanding of my children's education here in Finland.
What year did you join? 2022

Akanksha Birjuka
What grade your child(ren) are in? 3BD
Where are you from? India
Why did you join the PTA? I want to be involved in my child’s school, their activities, meet other parents and help in anyway I can
What year did you join? 2022
Get involved!
If you are interested in joining the PTA, please contact us by mail or through social media channels!